Test Drive

ESPN Sports Science

"95% of a bowling balls weight is supported by one finger at the point of release"


 Check out the ESPN Sport Science video below. It displays the amount of force exerted on a bowler's body during the approach. Fast forward 2 minutes in to see how much weight and pressure is applied to a bowler's fingers at the point of release.


 Bowling Fingers Support strengthens the middle and ring finger throughout the shot, displacing the balls weight between both fingers!  


*Bowling Fingers Support is Doctor recommended!*



OPTIONAL USE - Wear Bowling Fingers Support on your ring finger and pinkie for strength with a different feel, it allows the hand to open upon release.

For bowlers who prefer a relaxed hand with less "fingers" or lift.
SECONDARY USE - Less "fingers" or lift, but still provides strength to the ring finger and shot.

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